Raw: [Piyo-Piyo Productions](https://nyaa.si/view/1136029)
Translation & TS: Perevodildo
Editing: Paul Geromini
Quality check: True Noobow Gamer
Another day, another Buddhist schlock in our work queue. This time, blame Collectr for giving me bad ideas. This translation would've been largely impossible without the manga scans, shedding light on original pronunciations and spellings of numerous names and Buddhist concepts here, 99% of which are borrowed from Chinese and are entirely inscrutable otherwise. That manga and the show are still garbage, though, so make no mistake—there's a good reason why it hasn't been subbed before, and why only Perevodildo had the folly to translate it. In a sense, it is Hiroshi Motomiya's take on Japanese "Divine Comedy" (or "Jesus Christ Superstar" if that's more your jam) and I believe you gotta respect the hustle, at least. It makes for a perfect B-movie, approved by both me and Paul, the certified trash enjoyers. You will find in me an inveterate atheist (as reflected by our group tag), my view of Buddhism is purely pragmatical, or as Richard Dawkins put it in chapter 2 of _The God Delusion_, "And I shall not be concerned at all with other religions such as Buddhism or Confucianism. Indeed, there is something to be said for treating these not as religions at all but as ethical systems or philosophies of life," therefore this story's "no gods, no masters" narrative and merciless fingering (in all senses) of the corrupt, debauched, and straight up useless gods, struck a chord with me. The OVA covers the manga fully, with many omissions.
Only one TL note:
During the battle with Vaisravana (Tamonten), the latter names Niomaru's body parts using the names for the according [qi energy centers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dantian) from Chinese medicine.
If I'm not mistaken, this LD rip is from pre-Domesday era of PPP, so there might be a v2 if a proper DD capture appears. Let's hope it doesn't.
[AniDB](https://anidb.net/anime/3495) | [Subs Only](https://github.com/Perevodildo/Perevodildo-softsubs/tree/main/Kumo%20ni%20Noru) | [DDL](https://t.me/+GDbKBqecLXBjNGM6)
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