[Perevodildo] Ganbarist! Shun / Ganba Fly High / ガンバリスト! 駿 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC]

2025-02-13 01:57
File size:
7.0 GiB
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Translation & typesetting: Perevodildo

While this resub offers significant improvement over the previously available hardcoded crabsticks, it is by no means a definitive release. At least because it is, once again, one man’s work with little to no QC from Unowen. I know for a fact that I botched half of the gymnastics terms here, and misused the other half, all while being a clueless ESL. If you believe you can offer an improvement over this translation, be my guest.
The video for episode 1 is sadly 480p, bitstarved and interlaced, it’s only advantage over the previously available RAWs being the absence of the watermark. Still, from episode 2 on, the video is 576p and with better settings, so it blows the Gyao raws out of the water.


  1. How Come?! Tournament With Zero Practice! {なぜだ!?練習ゼロで競技会}
  2. Oh No! The Terrifying Vaulting Horse Experience {いやだ!恐怖の跳馬体験}
  3. With Guts! Hellish Handstand Battle {意地だ!地獄の倒立バトル}
  4. This is it! The Grand Backflip in the Sunset {これだ!夕陽の大バク転}
  5. It’s a Showdown! A Performance we Have to Nail {勝負だ!ウケれば勝ちの演技会}
  6. Who is She? The Mysterious Gymnastics Grandma {誰だ?謎の体操おばあちゃん}
  7. Like a Bird! Operation Ultra Gamba {鳥だ!ウルトラガンバ大作戦}
  8. Transfer Student! Doing a Back Hip Circle in a Sailor Uniform {転校生だ!セーラー服で逆上がり}
  9. No Way! Captain Quits the Club {嘘だ!キャプテンの退部届}
  10. Special Training! Hard Work Always Pays Off {特訓だ!ガンバるって素敵だね}
  11. Tournament! Ultra Special Cross Handstand {大会だ!ウルトラ必殺十字倒立}
  12. Excited! I’m in Perfect Shape! {興奮だ!いつも以上に絶好調}
  13. Trouble?! Do or Die Situation for the Men’s Gymnastics Club {トラブルだ!?男子体操部絶体絶命}
  14. It’s a Challenge! The Prince’s Last Resort {挑戦だ!貴公子決死のはなれ技}
  15. It’s a Miracle! The Ultimate Performance for the Gold Medal {奇跡だ!金メダルへの最高演技}
  16. Floor it! Forcing our Way Through Tokyo Station {激走だ!東京駅強行突破}
  17. Training Camp! Heisei is on a Whole Different Level {合宿だ!レベルが違うぜ平成学園}
  18. I’m Motivated! Peeping, Ocean and Intense Practice {やる気だ!のぞきと海と猛練習}
  19. Despair! Shun, Tears, and the Blood-stained Bar {絶望だ!駿と涙と血染めの鉄棒}
  20. A Revival! The First Step Towards New Hope {復活だ!新たな希望の第一歩}
  21. Higher! Operation Boobs Somersault {高さだ!宙返りオッパイ作戦}
  22. A Formidable Opponent! The Devil’s Team, the Lee Corps {強敵だ!悪魔のチーム李軍団}
  23. It’s Happening! Heated Junior Championship {開催だ!燃えろジュニア選手権}
  24. Prince of Floor! A Magnificent Swan Feast {貴公子だ!華麗なる白鳥の宴}
  25. It’s a Revolution! The Astonishing Rebirth of Pommel Horse With Heisei {革命だ!驚異の平成あん馬維新}
  26. Strength Technique! Hercules on the Rings {力技だ!これぞつり輪のヘラクレス}
  27. It’s Impossible! The Death of Uchida Minoru’s Vault?! {不可能だ!内田稔跳馬に死す!?}
  28. Captain! Remember that Safety Comes First Here {キャプテンだ!ここは一発安全第一}
  29. Clash! A Fiery Battle on the High Bar {激突だ!火花を散らす鉄棒対決}
  30. Ganba! Fly High for the Gold Medal {ガンバ!金メダルへFLY HIGH}

TL notes:
• I have no idea what or who is the マンドレマノフ / Mandole Manoff that the characters mention together with the “Fun Gymnastics.” That name is only ever brought up in the context of discussing this show or manga on the internet, and doesn’t seem to exist outside of it.
The show references several real life athletes, though, for obvious reasons, they couldn’t use the real names of anyone but the parent manga author, Shinji Morisue. Here are the few I could find:
Shinji Morisue, played by himself in the post-episode exercises and the final arc of the show.
• Sergei Andrianov = Nikolai Andrianov (funnily enough, he actually has a son Sergei)
• Shigeaki Onuma = Takashi Ono
• The name of the main character, Fujimaki Shun, could have been inspired by Fujimoto Shun

AniDB | DDL | Subs Only

File list

  • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC]
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 01 TV (1996) WEB-DL [480p HEVC AAC] [411B66CE].mkv (137.8 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 02 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [2A0DCA14].mkv (248.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 03 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [55ED19FC].mkv (248.1 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 04 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [64DF1CFF].mkv (248.0 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 05 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [E6E0D6BA].mkv (245.8 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 06 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [67AD4DBF].mkv (248.2 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 07 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [B0A24249].mkv (249.8 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 08 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [AB981EE8].mkv (249.6 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 09 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [C3A5C593].mkv (258.4 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 10 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [BE052B2B].mkv (248.5 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 11 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [98844BD9].mkv (248.6 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 12 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [B2FCECDB].mkv (246.5 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 13 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [129C02DE].mkv (236.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 14 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [1A4A6B65].mkv (233.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 15 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [36005BEE].mkv (244.8 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 16 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [5D5EFA78].mkv (231.0 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 17 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [C3EF9D16].mkv (243.1 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 18 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [340905FB].mkv (242.6 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 19 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [7B6D41E9].mkv (242.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 20 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [BAC0A004].mkv (239.4 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 21 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [2AEA35D0].mkv (242.7 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 22 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [F45F4FBE].mkv (237.4 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 23 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [26F0939B].mkv (246.9 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 24 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [9063FD6E].mkv (243.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 25 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [2F36A015].mkv (244.1 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 26 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [EF534DE0].mkv (240.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 27 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [466CA6B0].mkv (243.2 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 28 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [A42D8600].mkv (228.3 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 29 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [6D88E173].mkv (234.8 MiB)
    • [Perevodildo] Ganbarist Shun - 30 TV (1996) WEB-DL [576p HEVC AAC] [8CD2D917].mkv (238.1 MiB)