Encoder: A.SONY
Track 1: JP.VHS 10-bit 480p video
Track 2: Japanese 2.0ch Vorbis
Track 3: Full Subs [.ASS]
**Ep. 1-15 Subs by...
Yami no Yami of GX_ST (Generation neXt)
GoldenUmi of GX_ST & NACSubs (Neo Ark Cradle)
tdm15mn of NACSubs
Modified by AW10 of NACSubs
**Ep. 16-27 Subs...
Bootleg R3 OCR (A.SONY??)
Modified by AW10 of NACSubs
**Extras from AW10's backup folder
Repacked/Remuxed by Mr. Kimiko of Koten Gars
**note**: I wanted to post this cuz there is no good release on Nyaa yet. This is all that was on Neo Ark Cradle. I just repackaged it and remuxed the subs into the video. tdm15mn did sign off on this upload but then told me to wait.
**Update**: a v2 someday? Looking for a new translator & typesetter. tdm15mn said he still wants to help out but not as much anymore. A new video rip/encode coming soon-ish. But the new version will be under the KG name.
*PSS: I didn't include the Movie cuz we have good uploads of the LD & VHS on Nyaa. I could link them but o well.
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