[Blasphemboys] Ganbarist Shun / ガンバリスト! 駿 - 01 TV (1996) [WEB-DL]

2024-12-31 16:57:42
File size:
134.7 MiB
Info hash:
![](https://i.imgur.com/c2Ztr7c.png) Yes, rescuing another one from the hardsub hell. This torrent is more of a recruitment ad, since none of our usual suspects wanted to commit to a 30-ep-long obscure show about a sports discipline they never heard of before. I won't sugarcoat it, either: the show is far from stellar in many ways, but has its own charm and a satisfying conclusion. If you're interested in contributing in any way, reach out to me via discord or your communications channel of choice. Any help is welcome: Typesetting, Translation Checking, Quality Checking. If there aren't any volunteers, no big deal—I'll just release it as is, a month or two later. The video for this episode is not perfect either—for some reason, that's just the way it was uploaded to whatever streaming service WOWmd snatched it from: 480p, going from bitstarved to woefully interlaced, it's only advantage over the [previously available RAWs](https://nyaa.si/view/1121550) being the lack of the watermark. Still, from episode 2 on, the video is 576p and with better encoding, so it blows the Gyao raws out of the water. That is all. Once again, happy new year! Episode 1: How Come?! Tournament With Zero Practice! {なぜだ!?練習ゼロで競技会} [AniDB](https://anidb.net/anime/4372) | [DDL](https://t.me/+n31mjawvm1NjNmZi) | [Subs Only](https://github.com/Perevodildo/Perevodildo-softsubs/tree/main/Ganbarist!%20Shun)

File list

  • [Blasphemboys] Ganbarist Shun - 01 TV (1996) [WEB-DL] [4B3AC8CF].mkv (134.7 MiB)