[LonelyDildo] Magical★Taruruuto-kun / まじかる★タルるートくん TV (1990) [DVD AVC AC3]

2024-12-31 16:54:01
File size:
45.7 GiB
Info hash:
![](https://i.imgur.com/Uu2ylU1.gif) Well, folks, it's here. As the Chinese proverb goes, "The road of a thousand li begins with a single step." A 90-episode-long show seemed like an incredibly long road, and I never fathomed what faraway expanses of the Earth it might lead me to when I started it after watching just 10 episodes. The possibility that I might quit fansubbing before finishing it was not entirely out of the question. Perhaps I started it as a challenge, to see how far I could push myself. But after witnessing the huge attention it garnered, with an overwhelming influx of fans and supporters, my determination to finish it was renewed. I could no longer quit—at least not if it meant disappointing all the other dedicated staff members, and now I can finally say thank you to everyone who believed in us, supported us, or contributed directly in the course of these 90 episodes and two years, and happy new year! This really does feel like the end of an era. Speaking of which, here are they, the heroes of the nation: | Contribution | Name | | ---- | ---- | | Encoding | [Renascent](https://discord.gg/HeQTn2uDEf) | | Translation | [Perevodildo](https://perevodildo.blogspot.com) | | Translation checking | [Aurelius](https://twitter.com/AureliusSolari), [Yume](https://x.com/YumeHinata_Subs) (Episodes 1-10) | | Quality checking | MartyMcFlies ([LonelyChaser Fansubs](https://lonelychasersubs.blogspot.com/)), Izma (Episodes 46-62, Movie 1) | | VHS audio for movies | [WOWmd](https://x.com/w0wmd) | 90 episodes is the longest show I've ever worked on, and if I'm not mistaken, it seems to be the same for everyone involved, yet we still pushed it out in under two years (I uploaded the first episode exactly two years ago, on New Year's Eve of 2022-23), practically matching the airing schedule of the show itself. Actually, Mr. Mcflies only caught wind of it in April '23 so it was like 1.5 years for him to do the most painful part—make my translations sound English! The DVD encode by Renascent looks stunning too. I said it before, but the first time I opened it, I thought I'm watching a Blu-ray rip. If you previously downloaded [his release](https://nyaa.si/view/1025145), you can just place the [sub files](https://github.com/Perevodildo/Perevodildo-softsubs/tree/master/Magical%20Taruruuto-kun) in the same folder and most players would pull them up automatically, although I would still recommend our version for movies, since those have superior VHS audio, courtesy of WOWmd and Toei culture of preserving their shows. The torrent contents are identical to previous batches, except for episodes 29, 38, 57—those are a v2. Also, I rearranged the movies filenames for convenience. If you've downloaded them before, you can just rename them. The VHS trailers for the first two movies are included as well. While we're at it, I might as well share some more materials I've gathered while working on this show: [Of course, the TL notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J4ATdfuQ6_gLRWofN6ZcwGTqJw0OcSbmIdvArL0mEls/edit?usp=sharing), important for understanding certain contexts. [All manga chapters reviewed and ordered](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u5ndze8LMzqoU7KgADwIkkGaeRo4qRvpcSYEk8x8o_I/edit?usp=sharing) in relation to corresponding episodes of the show. I made this to help myself navigate through the manga more easily when looking up what chapter each episode is based upon. [Translated source manga](https://nyaa.si/view/1846006), ripped from MangaPlanet. Courtesy of RetroNova. Episodes: 1. Me, The Great Magician {オレ、大魔法使い} 2. Reaching out to Iyona {伊代菜にドッキン} 3. Dangerous Transfer Student {あぶない転校生} 4. I Love Mama! {ママ、大好き!} 5. Preparing for the Test with Magic {魔法でテスト対策} 6. The Great Quest for Treasure!! {宝もの大作戦!!} 7. I am Ijigawa Rui {私はイジガワルイ} 8. Magic Ball Baseball!! {魔球で野球だ!!} 9. Takoyaki of Friendship! {友情のタコ焼き!} 10. Conscientious Use of Oppoositer {うん逆んにご用心} 11. Unyielding Boxing {必勝ボクシング} 12. Honmaru’s KO Punch {本丸KOパンチ} 13. Unruly Birthday Party {仁義なきお誕生会} 14. Sister Ria Makes an Appearance {りあ姉ちゃん登場} 15. Cold Outbreak in Honmaru’s Family {本丸家のカゼ騒動} 16. Takoyaki Christmas {タコ焼きクリスマス} 17. Friends from the Magic Realm {魔法の国のお友達} 18. Rival Strikes Back {ライバーの大逆襲} 19. Papa's Punishment! {パパにおしおき!} 20. Skimaru of the Silver-white Slope! {白銀のスキー丸!} 21. Hot Springs Give Rise to Love Divination {温泉気分で恋占い} 22. Primal Rage Runs Amok {げきれつ号大暴れ} 23. Valentine Declaration {バレンタイン宣言} 24. Dreadful Grandpa {恐怖のじいちゃん} 25. Dangerous Snowball Fight!? {アブナイ雪合戦!?} 26. To Battle, Honmaru! {どすこい本丸!} 27. Honmaru, Enter the Ring! {本丸、土俵入り!} 28. A One-in-a-Kind Guy Comes From Osaka {大阪から来た凄い奴} 29. Iyona's Heated Battle {伊代菜の熱き闘い} 30. Mimora's Great Rampage! {ミモラの大破壊!} 31. In Spring, Love is in the Air {春だから恋の応援} 32. Come Alive, Giant Monster {飛び出せ!大怪獣} 33. The Grand Adventure in a Picture Book {絵本の中で大冒険} 34. This is your end! Great King Dowahaha {倒せ!どわっは大王} 35. Takoyakinfection to Conquer the World {たこや菌で世界征服} 36. I'm a Man, Ijigawa Rui! {俺は男だ伊知川累} 37. Midday Dodgeball {真昼のドッジボール} 38. Honmaru's Worst and Unluckiest Day Ever {本丸最凶最悪の日} 39. Good Honmaru, Bad Honmaru {いい本丸 悪い本丸} 40. Zakenja Neyo {ざけんじゃねえよ} 41. Dishonest Neyo! {素直じゃねえよ!} 42. The Tongue is the Root of Calamities? {口は災いの元?} 43. It's Summer! The Pool is Open {夏だ!プール開き} 44. Please, Lighting-sama {かみなり様にお願い} 45. New Rival Appears! {新ライバル登場!} 46. Must Win Pool Showdown! {必勝プール対決!} 47. Mischievous Seaside School {イタズラ臨海学校} 48. Exhausting Test of Courage {ヘトヘト肝だめし} 49. Down the River with Kappa {かっぱっぱ川下り} 50. Gritty Endurance Contest {ど根性がまん大会} 51. Doing Homework With Magic? {魔法で宿題するる?} 52. Soccer Duel! {サッカーで勝負!} 53. Birthday All Alone {一人ぼっちの誕生日} 54. Friends with Yamabiko {やまびこ・友だち} 55. Date on an Autumn Day {秋の日のデート} 56. Honmaru, a Tearful Decision! {本丸、涙の決心!} 57. Clash! Martial Arts Tournament!! {激突!武闘会!!} 58. Stand up, Honmaru! {立ちあがれ!本丸} 59. Honmaru's Final Battle! {本丸、最後の闘い!} 60. Magical World {まじかるワールド} 61. Operation Resurrection {生き返り大作戦} 62. Goodbye, Honmaru {さようなら、本丸} 63. Overcrowded with Magicians {魔法使いで超満員} 64. Combination! Ijigawa, Mimora {合体!伊知川ミモラ} 65. Rival's Unrequited Love {ライバーの片想い} 66. Mad Marathon {とんでもマラソン} 67. Taru's Takoyaki Shop {タルのたこやき屋} 68. Heated Skating {あつあつスケート} 69. The Best New Year Ever! {最高だぜお正月!} 70. Throbbing Tooth Bugs Infection!! {ズキズキ虫歯菌!!} 71. Fresh Otoko {さわやかなオトコ} 72. Duel with Otoko! {男闘呼と勝負っ!} 73. Diary of Rival's Pure Love {ライバー純情日記} 74. Ria's Love Story {りあの愛の物語} 75. Taruru! Cook-san {たるる!コックさん} 76. Special Training for Neyo! {寧代にとっくん!} 77. Calling on Hardworking Pixiervants! {必殺シゴト人参上!} 78. Good Guy Jabao!? {善人!?じゃば夫} 79. Reconciling is Hard! {仲直りって大変!} 80. Classified Scoop Battle {㊙スクープ合戦} 81. Bon-Bonanza Tanukichi-kun {ぽんぽこタヌ吉くん} 82. I Love Everyone ❤ {みんな愛しちゃう❤} 83. Fateful Volleyball Battle {宿命のバレー決戦} 84. Maddemboldening Samurai! I choose you!! {励まし侍!参上!!} 85. Ijigawa's Sibling Duty {伊知川の兄妹仁義} 86. Special Training with Personal Flovirtue-kun {じんとくんで特訓} 87. The Most Important Kiss ❤ {一番大事なキッス} Movie 1: (no name) [between episodes 25&26] Movie 2: Burn! The Magical Battle of Friendship {燃えろ!友情の魔法大戦} [between episodes 45&46] Movie 3: Love-Love Takoyaki! {すきすき♡タコ焼きっ!} [between episodes 77&78] [DDL](https://t.me/taruruuto) | [Subs only](https://github.com/Perevodildo/Perevodildo-softsubs/tree/master/Magical%20Taruruuto-kun) | [AniDB](https://anidb.net/anime/2084) | [TL notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J4ATdfuQ6_gLRWofN6ZcwGTqJw0OcSbmIdvArL0mEls/edit?usp=sharing)

File list

  • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) TV Subbed [DVD]
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 01 [DVD] [E3E0FA3B].mkv (504.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 02 [DVD] [7B8162E1].mkv (463.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 03 [DVD] [0AF90721].mkv (494.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 04 [DVD] [04B6C74F].mkv (421.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 05 [DVD] [B0E90C12].mkv (447.2 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 06 [DVD] [FC9F4D3A].mkv (460.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 07 [DVD] [BAB013DB].mkv (454.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 08 [DVD] [6EDAEC6F].mkv (458.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 09 [DVD] [6F833C59].mkv (459.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 10 [DVD] [19D23C79].mkv (440.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 11 [DVD] [8D0381BC].mkv (448.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 12 [DVD] [D68E8B1F].mkv (447.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 13 [DVD] [E8199A65].mkv (475.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 14 [DVD] [0F11338F].mkv (499.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 15 [DVD] [805BAB19].mkv (462.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 16 [DVD] [FDF77D3B].mkv (460.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 17 [DVD] [11BD8251].mkv (429.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 18 [DVD] [1E09B9DC].mkv (459.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 19 [DVD] [642724BB].mkv (407.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 20 [DVD] [C88E8E2C].mkv (477.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 21 [DVD] [19C74D79].mkv (440.2 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 22 [DVD] [0E6252EF].mkv (482.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 23 [DVD] [1F061EFC].mkv (477.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 24 [DVD] [D339FA7C].mkv (496.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 25 [DVD] [59C4C7A8].mkv (497.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 26 [DVD] [12FC4D3B].mkv (493.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 27 [DVD] [6DB6EF34].mkv (502.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 28 [DVD] [816D7D68].mkv (487.2 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 29 [DVD] [02126F72].v2.mkv (484.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 30 [DVD] [E8180694].mkv (468.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 31 [DVD] [A7FCA8DD].mkv (467.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 32 [DVD] [30FDD210].mkv (518.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 33 [DVD] [48A84A94].mkv (412.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 34 [DVD] [EFD3312D].mkv (420.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 35 [DVD] [EF98EC73].mkv (467.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 36 [DVD] [73E59A6F].mkv (456.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 37 [DVD] [DCBBDE85].mkv (549.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 38 [DVD] [6C69ECD8].v2.mkv (492.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 39 [DVD] [1C5A7FE7].mkv (441.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 40 [DVD] [E22D64F6].mkv (478.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 41 [DVD] [9182058E].mkv (466.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 42 [DVD] [7CBF36E0].mkv (443.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 43 [DVD] [D4D2B19A].mkv (499.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 44 [DVD] [EE03385C].mkv (410.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 45 [DVD] [883FD2E8].mkv (594.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 46 [DVD] [4627A169].mkv (513.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 47 [DVD] [357D4F53].mkv (524.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 48 [DVD] [CB911402].mkv (470.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 49 [DVD] [3302C036].mkv (513.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 50 [DVD] [A7DBC417].mkv (440.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 51 [DVD] [51E3FAB2].mkv (495.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 52 [DVD] [1827CCC4].mkv (586.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 53 [DVD] [B0CE8D67].mkv (513.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 54 [DVD] [3BB90612].mkv (507.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 55 [DVD] [A40B470E].mkv (517.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 56 [DVD] [17A290D7].mkv (482.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 57 [DVD] [DF115F12].v2.mkv (557.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 58 [DVD] [1FC7133A].mkv (576.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 59 [DVD] [2C8B4527].mkv (558.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 60 [DVD] [8E50EDED].mkv (595.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 61 [DVD] [01583C2C].mkv (485.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 62 [DVD] [22C89E88].mkv (536.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 63 [DVD] [22E37115].mkv (476.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 64 [DVD] [3E6B5201].mkv (512.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 65 [DVD] [39B3935C].mkv (590.5 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 66 [DVD] [9627E46F].mkv (555.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 67 [DVD] [B147DB52].mkv (465.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 68 [DVD] [D21CCE20].mkv (469.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 69 [DVD] [642EC19D].mkv (638.0 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 70 [DVD] [BE23309B].mkv (675.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 71 [DVD] [03C04501].mkv (705.2 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 72 [DVD] [1E3F8463].mkv (444.2 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 73 [DVD] [99C90C0A].mkv (438.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 74 [DVD] [9E1FE21B].mkv (455.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 75 [DVD] [4666D25B].mkv (414.4 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 76 [DVD] [4CE0B3A2].mkv (523.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 77 [DVD] [70BCF6AF].mkv (588.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 78 [DVD] [6172C173].mkv (541.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 79 [DVD] [8DF52884].mkv (532.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 80 [DVD] [90B1E8A7].mkv (484.1 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 81 [DVD] [6B752373].mkv (466.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 82 [DVD] [25CF6361].mkv (470.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 83 [DVD] [E5E3722F].mkv (508.9 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 84 [DVD] [C437D14B].mkv (497.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 85 [DVD] [B5CBBF68].mkv (365.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 86 [DVD] [4F34BDC8].mkv (423.7 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun (1990) - 87 [DVD] [1E561D8E].mkv (443.3 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun Movie 1 (1991) [DVD, VHS audio] [6284D4F9].mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun Movie 1 VHS Trailer [881A11B2].mkv (33.8 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun Movie 2 Moeru! Yuujou no Mahou Taisen (1991) [DVD, VHS audio] [54A413FA].mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun Movie 2 VHS Trailer [31C22041].mkv (27.6 MiB)
    • [LonelyChaser-Perevodildo] Magical Taruruuto-kun Movie 3 Sukisuki Takoyaki! (1992) [DVD, VHS audio] [380B71EE].mkv (989.3 MiB)