Greetings and Happy Holidays Everyone! I'm proud to finally present the full batch for Perrine. Most of you don't know this, but this project has been over a year in the making.
I started Encode work on it fall of 2023 and Darkonius has been working on it all year.
We had a bit of a last minute rush to try and get this out the door by the end of the year. I don't think a yearly Christmas release is doable, but it's nice when it happens.
We also had to v2 11-20. I forgot the fonts when I muxed the original. 18 also had a small fix to the script, Dark added a missing line.
This project couldn't have been done without the help of a few others.
So a huge thanks to:
Original Subtitles: C1 Anime (1-34), KiteSeekers-Wasurenai-Licca (35-53)
DVD Encode: wisperer
Retiming, TLC, Editing: Darkonius
QC: Perevodildo, wowmd
Special Thanks: Collectr for supplying the fansub scripts.
And a huge thanks to the legend ImAWasteOfHair for doing QC on episode 1.
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