Hello furries, if you will stop raping your mothers dog for a few minutes this may be something you are interested in. The dragon ball z full screen dvd movies, in subjectively the best quality release complete with the japanese bluray audio for the higher quality there too.
All video is sourced from the funimation dvd releases. I know you may be thinking to yourself 'wait a minute, i thought the french dvds were higher quality for some of these. op is a liar and a homosexual." and you may be 1/3 right, but the french dvds are only higher quality in stills. In motion they have a disgusting video stutter hard encoded into it every few frames. Making the goonsesh very shitty and nearly impossible to complete. As such the lower quality in stills but not stuttering funimation dvds were used for everything. And yes the ocean dub is synced for the first 3 movies as well. You're welcome.
Also no movie 12, I must have deleted it by mistake. Good day.
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