“Dungeons, dragons… and delicious monster stew\!? Adventurers foray into a cursed buried kingdom to save their friend, cooking up a storm along the way.”
Delicious in Dungeon is a show with intended noise, to preserve this artistic decision this release’s file size is larger than some might have expected despite being reduced to 46-50% of its original size. Includes both japanese audio and english dub synced to the JPBD with full english subtitles for the JP audio and Signs and Dubtitles for the Dub.
| Codec: | Resolution: | Source: |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| H.264 | 1920x1080 | JPBD \[Frosty\] Encode |
| Channels: | Language: | Codec: | Source: |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Official 5.1 Mix | JP | FLAC | JPBD |
| Official 2.0 Mix | JP | FLAC | JPBD |
| Official 5.1 Mix | EN | EAC-3 | DSNP |
This release now includes a meme track made by \[Babel\] for EP 01 in 5.1 FLAC Where Marcille speaks German, Chilchuck speaks English, Senshi speaks French, and Falin speaks Italian
| Type: | Language: | Format: | Source: |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Full Subtitles | EN | ASS | \[NeoDESU\] |
| Signs | EN | ASS | \[NeoDESU\] |
| Dubtitles | EN | ASS | \[WPR/NeoDESU\] |
This Release uses the v2 subtitles created and typeset by NeoDESU, for a list of what was done please refer to their release page: [https://nyaa.si/view/1902315](https://nyaa.si/view/1902315)
**Special Thanks:**
NeoDESU (Subtitles)
WPR (Babel Audio, Dubtitle Restyling)
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