| __Sources__ | |
| Video | [[Kawaiika-Raws]][1] |
| Audio Track 1 | [[Kawaiika-Raws]][1] (Japanese 2.0 Opus) |
| Subtitle Track 1 | Dialogue [[Astral]][4] (Modified) (eng, default) |
Episode 13/OVA is included in the **"Extras"** folder.
Subtitles were restyled and retimed. Includes modified typesetting and ED song styling.
An "End Card" chapter added to all episodes. Small edits were made to the subtitles (fixing stutters, etc.).
The ED in episode 12 is not included/styled since it was not translated.
Audio was encoded to 192kb/s with opusenc.
There is also a [Discord Server][5] you can join for future updates on my projects if you wish (also linked in the Information box).
[Video Comparison][3] | [MediaInfo][2]

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